At SOL Motion Foundation, we empower kids to be champions for the planet. Through learning and action, we help them tackle climate change head- on and create a sustainable future for all.

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Greenford Business Centre, Station Approach, Oldfield lane North, Greenford UB6 0AL , London (UK) +44-7464062444 [email protected] Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM Sunday - Weekend Day Add Text

Objective: The Clean Air Champions Quest module inspires young kids to become advocates for clean air and environmental stewardship, fostering awareness, action, and responsibility in protecting our planet’s air quality.

Overview: In this module, young children embark on an exciting adventure to explore the importance of clean air and its impact on health, ecosystems, and the planet. Through interactive activities, hands-on experiments, and immersive storytelling, kids learn about air pollution, its causes and effects, and discover practical ways to become clean air champions in their communities.

Design: The module is designed to engage and empower young children through interactive learning experiences that promote environmental awareness, critical thinking, and positive action. By combining play-based activities, scientific inquiry, and real-world problem-solving, kids develop a deeper understanding of air quality issues and their role in protecting the environment.


  1. Air Quality Art Gallery:
    • Children create artwork depicting clean air scenes, nature landscapes, and sustainable living practices to raise awareness about the importance of clean air and inspire others to take action.
    • Encourages creativity, self-expression, and environmental advocacy while fostering appreciation for clean air and natural beauty.
  2. DIY Air Filters:
    • Kids learn how to build simple air purifiers using household materials to filter out pollutants and improve indoor air quality.
    • Promotes hands-on learning, problem-solving skills, and practical solutions for reducing exposure to indoor air pollution.
  3. Clean Air Jingle:
    • Children compose and perform catchy songs or rhymes about the importance of clean air, pollution prevention, and sustainable living practices.
    • Enhances creativity, communication skills, and community engagement while raising awareness about air quality issues in a fun and memorable way.

Impact Analysis:

  • Social Impact: Raises awareness about air pollution, promotes environmental responsibility, and empowers young children to take proactive steps to improve air quality in their communities, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and civic engagement.
  • Educational Impact: Enhances children’s understanding of environmental science, air quality monitoring, and pollution prevention strategies, equipping them with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and advocate for clean air policies and practices.
  • Environmental Impact: Inspires collective action, community involvement, and sustainable behavior change, leading to reduced air pollution emissions, improved public health outcomes, and enhanced quality of life for present and future generations.

Implementation Strategy:

  • Collaborate with schools, environmental organizations, and public health agencies to develop age-appropriate educational materials, hands-on activities, and interactive resources that promote air quality awareness and engagement among young children.
  • Organize clean air workshops, outdoor activities, and community events that provide opportunities for children to learn about air pollution sources, air quality monitoring techniques, and pollution prevention strategies in a hands-on and experiential manner.
  • Partner with local governments, businesses, and community stakeholders to advocate for clean air policies, sustainable transportation options, and green infrastructure investments that prioritize public health, environmental protection, and climate resilience.
  • Empower children to become clean air ambassadors, role models, and advocates for environmental justice, promoting equitable access to clean air, green spaces, and healthy environments for all.

Conclusion: The Clean Air Champions Quest module empowers young kids to become proactive agents of change in addressing air pollution, promoting environmental sustainability, and building healthier, more resilient communities. By fostering awareness, action, and advocacy for clean air, the module inspires children to make a positive impact on the environment and create a brighter, cleaner future for themselves and generations to come.

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